Paolo Bulgarelli Moloko poster presentation

National Mastitis Council 61st Annual Meeting

National Mastitis Council 61st Annual Meeting 26 February 2022 On February 1-3, 2022, Paolo Bulgarelli (Parmalat S.p.A.) project consortium of MOLOKO took part at the National Mastitis Council in San Diego, California (USA), with a poster presentation about Technology Transfer Session, especially Sensor-based Mastitis Management. The conference is the gotha of dairy veterinarians and technician…


MOLOKO project at LOPEC 2021

23-25 March 2021, online| MOLOKO project at LOPEC 2021 From March 23 to 25, LOPEC was held as an online event. In 180 contributions, the speakers of the digital Conference and more than 70 companies at the online exhibition presented groundbreaking developments in printed electronics. Numerous user industries, such as the automotive, textile and entertainment…


Photonics4Agrifood Virtual Workshop

5-6 October 2020, Virtual | Photonics4Agrifood Virtual Workshop AEIT-CORIFI, in collaboration with Regione Lombardia, Finlombarda S.p.A., Confindustria Lombardia, CNR-ISMN, CNR-IFN and SIMPLER-Enterprise Europe Network, organises Photonics4Agrifood – Virtual Workshop & Brokerage Event. The event, planned in the framework of the European Project H2020 NextPho21, has been the opportunity for meetings between the photonic technologies suppliers…