5-6 October 2020, Virtual | Photonics4Agrifood Virtual Workshop
AEIT-CORIFI, in collaboration with Regione Lombardia, Finlombarda S.p.A., Confindustria Lombardia, CNR-ISMN, CNR-IFN and SIMPLER-Enterprise Europe Network, organises Photonics4Agrifood – Virtual Workshop & Brokerage Event.
The event, planned in the framework of the European Project H2020 NextPho21, has been the opportunity for meetings between the photonic technologies suppliers and the possible end-users in the agrifood sector, with the participation of institutional and territorial actors and funding bodies.
During the Photonics4Agrifood Virtual Workshop Paolo Bulgarelli, Parmalat – “Parmalat and ICT innovation: food safety, milk quality and animal welfare in EU H2020 MOLOKO project”.
Paolo Bulgarelli from Parmalat gave a presentation on MOLOKO project and the Project Coordinator, StefanoToffanin, partecipated to the Round Table.