The innovative line of MOLOKO technology will greatly extend the in-house tools available for the early, rapid and low-cost screening of milk for primary producers (farmers). MOLOKO will impact on milk waste along all 5 points of the supply chain: from milk production, to post-harvest handling and logistics, processing, distribution, down to milk consumption, as described below:
Foreseen Impacts
and logistics
1. Production
Most of the milk loss during production is due to dairy cow sickness, leading both to production of contaminated milk lots and the use of antibiotics to prevent and treat cow infections.
MOLOKO will allow very early detection of contaminated milk by operating (i) directly on the milking machine by excluding automatically animals not suitable for milking and (ii) on batches of milk in order to isolate the single contaminated lots and prevent to spoil larger amounts of quality milk, thus leading to lower costs related to the production phase.
2. Bulk Milk handling and logistics
One major issue in bulk milk handling is linked to the transportation of contaminated milk. Bulk milk handling also causes high costs due to road transport of milk which does not meet quality standards, and thus will be discarded at processing sites.
The use of MOLOKO sensor as handheld device by food operators allows for early detection of contaminated milk tanks (before they are combined in the tanker) or contaminated whole tanks (before they are transported to milk processing facilities).
3. Processing
During industrial milk treatment and processing, one major issue is the quality control of nutritional parameters.
The dairy industry checks for different contaminants and residues, pathogens and adulterants. MOLOKO will allow to detect the presence of alterations of milk in a cost effective and simple manner, so that the adulterated milk can be discarded before it is inserted in the processing line.
4. Distribution
The consumption of staphylococcus enterotoxin which rapidly grows in milk is considered one of the most common forms of bacterial foodborne outbreaks worldwide. The health implications of these hazards make up the need for an effective detection system, such as MOLOKO sensor.
Raw milk distributors will be mostly affected by MOLOKO, as they will be able to ensure highest quality at cheaper costs. Milk and dairy products account for 5% of all incriminated foods in staphylococcal outbreaks in Europe.
5. Consumption
The early detection of contamination of food enabled by MOLOKO will increase food security, food safety, and the protection of health of consumers