
Photonics4Agrifood Virtual Workshop

5-6 October 2020, Virtual | Photonics4Agrifood Virtual Workshop AEIT-CORIFI, in collaboration with Regione Lombardia, Finlombarda S.p.A., Confindustria Lombardia, CNR-ISMN, CNR-IFN and SIMPLER-Enterprise Europe Network, organises Photonics4Agrifood – Virtual Workshop & Brokerage Event. The event, planned in the framework of the European Project H2020 NextPho21, has been the opportunity for meetings between the photonic technologies suppliers…


Project Status – M30

Project StatusWork Packages Progress Work carried out during the first 30 months MOLOKO technology is effectively leading to innovation, in particular the use of microfluidics with a degree of automation in online applications (milking systems). The vast majority of rapid analytical commercial tests in the dairy industry are based on the same technology, lateral flow…

Il digitale è servito!

23 April 2020 | Il digitale è servito! The Smart Agrifood Observatory has decided to organize an online conference to present the results of the SmartAgrifood Observatory research. For the first time, the community of operators in the agri-food world has the opportunity to discuss and follow an event that is the reference point for…