Interview to Paolo Bulgarelli for the Observatory of Smart Agrifood

Hi, you have 10 seconds to introduce yourself!
My name is Paolo Bulgarelli, I am 35 years old and have been working for 9 years as a veterinarian in the Lactalis Italia Group in the quality assurance of the milk collection management.
Technological and digital innovation in your business: a fashion or a strategic asset?
A strategic asset.
What is the latest innovation project you participated in?
The European funded project MOLOKO, for the development of a biosensor.
The three main needs that fed him.
Food safety, milk quality, traceability and authenticity of the supply chain.
The three main benefits found in order of importance.
The project is still ongoing, the goal is to obtain a tool characterized by rapid diagnostics, ease of application and multifunctionality.
Better to innovate as a supply chain or everyone at home?
Innovate as a supply chain.
The three key players for a digital transformation of the supply chain?
From the base, breeders, breeding technicians and processors or consortia, in any case the chain leaders.
Let’s talk about Data: does it add value or is it overrated?
The data, if transformed into information, are of absolute value.
Three key data for supply chain traceability.
Georeferencing, use of food, use of drugs.
The three most difficult data to find.
Currently every single one, given the lack of computerization.
In 10 seconds: how will digital innovation change your sector in the next 10 years?
For those who have embraced this approach, digital innovation will certainly represent a competitive advantage, it will allow to optimise all stages of production by adding economic and environmental sustainability.
Do you think your vision is shared within your supply chain?
The livestock sector is not always so prone to change but a new generation of breeders inclined to use technology and capable of reaping the benefits thanks to simplification is certainly emerging.
In three words: what is missing today in the supply chain or in the technological offer to achieve this goal?
One of the possibilities could be that the supply chain leaders promote the change, but in all this I believe the presence of the public body that facilitates and supports the transition, even from a regulatory point of view, is essential.