June 2019 | Project Status M18
During the first 18 months of the project, MOLOKO has completed the design of the overall layout of the photonic module and the assessment of the expected output signal of the optoplasmonic chip correlated to the different analytes of interest. The realization of the optoplasmonic chip is the next output of the project expected by the end of Year 2
As a further step into the engineering of the entire MOLOKO system, we started the design of the sampling microfluidic device for the extraction of milk samples during the milking procedure. This subsystem is vital for the use of the MOLOKO sensor prototype in real-settings applications. The activity started operation already in M18 since the tight connection between the detection and readout modules and the microfluidic cartridge requested the development of a feasible application scenario.
An intense and well-focused activity was performed by the Diagnostics Workgroup for compiling a rationale list of analytes to be detected in virtue of the needs of the end-users (PARMALAT and MILKLINE).
A considerable amount of results were obtained in relation to the development of new immunoassays for never-before-detected analytes, nevertheless there are still some challenges for the completion of all the immunoassays.
An intense activity was performed by the Exploitation & Innovation Workgroup, and the freedom to operate of the project was carefully assessed.
The dissemination and communication activities were pursued by the partners with particular attention to the participation to events dedicated to the promotion of the aims and the technologically relevant results of the project. Of relevance, the participation to ICT 2018 in Wien (December 4th-6th) where the MOLOKO project was present for the first time with an exhibition stand: some component demonstrators from technology partners, such as fluidic cells and nanoplasmonic gratings were shown to the audience.
These achievements are a solid foundation for continuation of activities foreseen in the second year of the project, and for the assessment of the application of the whole sensor in real-setting conditions from the third year.
The specifications of the single-device components were defined according to a system-engineering view-point, comprising the final bio-optical sensor in order to meet the requests of the end-users in terms of sensitivity, limits of detection, measure time, usability. Also, the list of the analytes to be detected in relation to real applications scenarios was defined: quality vs safety detection, position along the value chain of milk (milking, collecting and processing), measure protocol.
The organic photonic module has been designed and fabricated according to the defined specifications. Two different strategies were applied in the realization of the multicomponent device in order to ensure the required output signal. Preliminary tests have already assessed the effectiveness of one of the two strategies in terms of manufacturing, sensitivity, stability and response time. The consortium is expected to agree on the final configuration of the photonic module and provide the device to the consortium for the production of the whole optoplasmonic chip.
The finalization of fabrication protocol of nanoplasmonic grating according to the MOLOKO requirements and the optical and morphological characterization of the grating response in under way.
We have defined the gold deposition parameters, while a greater effort is now devoted to the definition of the functionalization of the grating surface by means of a single-polymer deposition. MOLOKO grating were grown on the caps for encapsulation and we started the encapsulation procedure onto the working photonic module.
The design of the microfluidic module is progressing as planned. The first tests regarding sensors interfaces have been performed. In particular, the design approach is adopted in order to reduce the fabrication complexity but also to guarantee a certain degree of flexibility/modularity for responding to possible issues in applicative proof of concept or variations of external components.
Design of the analog front-ends for the sensorensors has started to assess the possible resolution in the detection of the sensor output signal according to the different strategies proposed for the photonic module. OPD characterization prototype started to study (i) dark noise level and (ii) dark current of the prototype OPD prototype device. OPD-OLED sensor prototype characterization, OPD front-end characterization, OPD analog front-end characterization have been tested.
The finalization of the characterization of the OPD-OLED prototype is foreseen for M24, together with the design of the analog front-ends for the entire sensor.
The definition and realization of the indirect and direct immunoassay sets to be used in the detection scheme is approaching the finalization by introducing some not-commercially-available antibodies as a mitigation plan for avoiding possible delays in the validation stage of the project. We can assess that more than 80% of the selected targets are ready for multiplexing.
This WP has not started yet.
In the first 18 months of the project, MOLOKO partners have been working on the definition and implementation of a Milk Control Technology Assessment (MCTA), as useful tool to demonstrate the effective role of MOLOKO technology.
Several dissemination activities have been carried out during period M11-M18 and others are planned, among which a stakeholders workshop to be held during the third year of the project. An important activity is also on the assessment of the possible market-placement and the competitiveness of the sensor in the dairy value chain by analysing the patent landscape and defyning and composing an external advisory industrial panel.
Effective project management and coordination methods were set and applied to ensure smooth progression of activities towards successful implementation of planned activities.