03 July 2018, Piana di Monte Verna (Italy) |Project MOLOKO - progress status of the works @Parmalat
On 3 July 2018, Parmalat organized the meeting “Project MOLOKO – progress status of the works” with the aim of illustrating the purposes of the MOLOKO Project and the role of Parmalat in the project to the Working Group “Parmalat Milk Collection Quality Assurance” at the Parmalat plant in Piana di Monte Verna in the province of Caserta.
11 members of the Working Group from various areas in which Parmalat collects milk (Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Campania, Molise, Basilicata, Apuglia and Sicily) were present.
The prospected possibility of having rapid and effective analytical tools regarding the analytes identified by the Consortium was of particular interest.