22-26 October 2018, Bologna (Italy) | Materials.it 2018
Materials.it 2018 si one of the main Italian National Conference on Materials Science and Technology. It was held from October 22nd to 26th 2018 in Bologna, at the Congress Center of the CNR Research Area.
Materials.it 2018 represented a great opportunity to gather the large community of scientists involved in materials science and related applications, working at Universities and Reserach Institutions. This second edition was promoted by the Department of Physcal Science and Technology of Matter (DSFTM – http://www.dsftm.cnr.it/) and by the Department of Chemical Science and Materials Technolgy (DSCTM – http://www.dsctm.cnr.it) of the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy with the support of CNISM (http://www.cnism.it) and INSTM (http://www.instm.it/) consortia.
Stefano Toffanin, MOLOKO’s Project Coordinator, was at the event to present the main objectives and achievements of the project.
Visit the conference website for further details: http://eventi.cnism.it/materials2018