21 -22 June 2018, Dresden (Germany) | M6 Internal Meeting
The M6 internal project meeting of MOLOKO took place at the Fraunhofer Institute FEP, Dresden (Germany) from the 21st to the 22nd June, 2018 as a noon-to-noon event. The meeting was opened by the coordinator Stefano Toffanin and by Christian May, head of the department “Flexible Organic Electronics” in FEP. During day 1, the work package leaders presented their results of the first 6 months of MOLOKO which were then discussed and analysed in open sessions by three groups: the Optoplasmonics, the Diagnostics and the Innovation/Exploitation working groups, during the morning session of the second day. The M6 meeting brought new light into scientific/technical aspects of the project which will be taken in consideration for future activities.